The final camera-ready version of your paper has to follow the Lecture Notes in Computer Science format and should be submitted as one ZIP file containing
using the EasyChair Conference System no later than October 4, 2017.
Your Paper id -> Submit a new version (update, in the upper right corner) -> Browse -> choose your ZIP file -> Submit a New Version. Then you should get the email confirming "resubmission of paper id".
At least one author of each contributed paper MUST register for the conference no later than October 15, 2017 – see Registration & Fees – and present the paper at the conference.
Please note, that according to the Springer instructions:
All types of submissions (invited papers and contributed papers in LNCS proceedings and student research forum papers in local proceedings) have to follow the Lecture Notes in Computer Science format (see the Authors Instructions at Accepted paper formats are PDF or DOC (note that in case of camera ready PDF created by LaTeX source files and images should be also included).
The page limit for papers is: