SOFSEM 2018  Header showing Krems an der Donau in Winter

 SOFSEM   2018 :=  Accepted Papers

Papers List

Miroslava Hrešková and Kristína Machová
Michiko: Poem Models used in Automated Haiku Poetry Generation

Hayam Alamro, Lorraine A.K. Ayad, Panagiotis Charalampopoulos, Costas S. Iliopoulos and Solon P. Pissis
Longest Common Prefixes with k-Mismatches & Applications

Shahid Khan, Osman Hasan and Atif Mashkoor
Formal Verification and Safety Assessment of a Hemodialysis Machine

Peter Damaschke and Alexander Schliep
An Optimization Problem Related to Bloom Filters With Bit Patterns

Karol Rástočný and Andrej Mlynčár
Automated Change Propagation from Source Code to Sequence Diagrams

Tim Adrian Hartmann. Target Set Selection Parameterized by Clique-Width and Maximum Threshold

Martin Haeusler, Thomas Trojer, Johannes Kessler, Matthias Farwick, Emmanuel Nowakowski and Ruth Breu
Combining Versioning and Metamodel Evolution in the ChronoSphere Model Repository

Carlos Sáenz-Adán, Beatriz Pérez, Trung Dong Huynh and Luc Moreau
UML2PROV: Automating Provenance Capture in Software Engineering

Joonatan Jalonen and Jarkko Kari
Conjugacy of one-dimensional one-sided cellular automata is undecidable

Farid Ablayev, Andris Ambainis, Kamil Khadiev and Aliya Khadieva
Lower Bounds and Hierarchies for Quantum Memoryless Communication Protocols and Quantum Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams with Repeated Test

Hellis Tamm and Margus Veanes
Theoretical Aspects of Symbolic Automata

Elisabet Burjons Pujol, Dennis Komm and Marcel Schoengens
The k-Server Problem with Advice in d Dimensions and on the Sphere

Michal Szabados
Nivat's conjecture holds for sums of two periodic configurations

Victor Freire, João Brunet and Jorge C. A. De Figueiredo
Automatic Decomposition of Java Open Source Pull Requests: a replication study

Samira Ellouze, Maher Jaoua and Lamia Hadrich Belguith
Supervised learning model for evaluating Arabic text summaries

Franck Ravat, Jiefu Song and Olivier Teste
Managing Reduction in Multidimensional Databases

Bogumila Hnatkowska and Pawel Woroniecki
Transformation of OWL2 property axioms to Groovy

Michele Boreale
Complete algorithms for algebraic strongest postconditions and weakest preconditions in polynomial ODE's

Ignat Kolesnichenko and Maxim Babenko
External Memory Algorithms for Finding Disjoint Paths in Undirected Graphs

Barbara Geissmann and Paolo Penna
Inversions from Sorting with Distance-based Errors

Hoda Chuangpishit, Jurek Czyzowicz, Leszek Gasieniec, Konstantinos Georgiou, Tomasz Jurdzinski and Evangelos Kranakis
Patrolling a Path Connecting Set of Points with Unbalanced Frequencies of Visits

Kamil Burda and Daniela Chuda
Influence of Body Postures on Biometric User Authentication on Mobile Devices

Fares Jalled. Face Recognition Machine Vision System Using Eigenfaces

Manuel Pérez, Tímea László, Norbert Pataki, Csaba Rotter and Csaba Szalai
Multivendor Deployment Integration for Future Mobile Networks

Jacques Chabin, Mirian Halfeld Ferrari, Beatrice Markhoff and Thanh Binh Nguyen
Validating Data from Semantic Web Providers

Jan-Hendrik Lorenz. Runtime Distributions and Criteria for Restarts

Sahar Kallel, Chouki Tibermacine, Ahmed Hadj Kacem and Christophe Dony
Multi-Paradigm Architecture Constraint Specification & Configuration based on Graphs and Feature Models

Marcella Anselmo, Dora Giammarresi and Maria Madonia
Encoding pictures with maximal codes of pictures

Clemens Hoffmann, Hendrik Molter and Manuel Sorge
The Parameterized Complexity of Centrality Improvement in Networks

Safa Abdellatif, Mohamed Ali Ben Hassine, Sadok Ben Yahia and Amel Bouzeghoub
ARCID : A new approach to deal with imbalanced datasets classification

Jan Dreier, Philipp Kuinke, Ba Le Xuan and Peter Rossmanith
Local Structure Theorems for Erdös–Rényi Graphs and their Algorithmic Applications

Tu Ngo, Vera Georgescu, Therese Libourel, Anne Laurent and Grégoire Mercier
Spatial Gradual Patterns: Application to the Measurement of Potentially Avoidable Hospitalizations

Mojgan Kamali, Massimo Merro and Alice Dal Corso
AODVv2-16: performance vs. loop freedom

Benjamin Momège. Simple Paths and Cycles Avoiding Forbidden Paths

Tomas Masopust and Markus Krötzsch
Deciding Universality of ptNFAs is PSpace-Complete

Tomasz Jurdzinski and Krzysztof Nowicki
On Range and Edge Capacity in the Congested Clique

Flavio Corradini, Chiara Muzi, Barbara Re, Lorenzo Rossi and Francesco Tiezzi
Global vs. Local Semantics of BPMN 2.0 OR-Join

Jurek Czyzowicz, Maxime Godon, Evangelos Kranakis, Arnaud Labourel and Euripides Markou
Exploring Graphs with Time Constraints by Unreliable Collections of Mobile Robots

Yuki Igarashi, Diptarama, Ryo Yoshinaka and Ayumi Shinohara
New Variants of Pattern Matching with Constants and Variables

Davaajav Jargalsaikhan, Diptarama, Yohei Ueki, Ryo Yoshinaka and Ayumi Shinohara
Duel and sweep algorithm for order-preserving pattern matching

David Doty and Shaopeng Zhu
Computational Complexity of Atomic Chemical Reaction Networks

Ioannis Dematis, Eirini Karapistoli and Athena Vakali
Fake Review Detection via Exploitation of Spam Indicators and Reviewer Behavior Characteristics

Ana Paula Tomas. House Allocation Problems with Existing Tenants and Priorities for Teacher Recruitment

Maxim Tschumak and Hessler Axel
Criticality of Components in Service-Oriented Distributed Systems

Vít Šefl. Lambda Calculus as a Tool for Metaprogramming in C++

Pavel Ageev. Implementation of the algorithm for testing an automaton for synchronization in linear expected time

Miroslav Kratochvíl and David Bednárek
Static closures for functional languages

Mansur Ziatdinov. Attacking Quantum Hashing. Protocols and their Cryptanalysis

I Vinod Reddy. Parameterized Algorithms for Conflict-free Colorings of Graphs

Daniel Jost, Chen-Da Liu Zhang, Christian Matt and Ueli Maurer
The (Ir)relevance of the Dependence of Delays on Inputs in Distributed Systems

Meryem Bendella and Mohamed Quafafou
Spatt : Spatio-Patterns based Textual Search

Vanja Doskoc
Confident Iterative Learning in Computational Learning Theory

Call for Papers Important Dates Contact Austrian Computer Society (OCG) Danube University Krems